Name: Toasted rapeseed meal.
Packing: In bulk in 40ft containers (28.5 tons in a container), grain carriers (railway), dump trucks.
Description: Toasted rapeseed meal is a high-quality ingredient for preparation of nutritious combined feed for livestock.
humidity – not more than 11.5%;
the total mass fraction of crude protein and fat and extractives is not less than 35%;
mass fraction of crude fiber – not more than 14%;
the content of glucosinolates is not more than 34 μmol/g.
Quality and safety indicators of toasted rapeseed meal meet the requirements of GOST 30257-95. “TOASTED RAPESEED MEAL. Technical conditions”.
SEASONAL PRODUCT. It is produced from July to August.
Export Managers
Sales, export managers:
m. +38 050 533 29 10 Andrii Tkachenko
E-mail address: [email protected]
m. +38 050 041 05 11 Viktor Chmil
E-mail address: [email protected]
m. +38 067 238 69 45 Anna Agourzenidu
E-mail address: [email protected]
m. +38 050 315 31 09 Yevheniia Bulharova
E-mail address: [email protected]